"Music makes me smile!"
Kai Panschow is definitely one of the TOP composers + producers in Germany. His creative output is unbelievable + he knows exactly how to deal with the TV medium. Currently, there are over 100 albums to his credit with different labels all around the world. Besides writing music for image films (i.e Volkswagen, Dr.Oetker, WMF or Lidl), Kai produced the music for the feature film "Verreckt" in 2010, which won acclaim + awards around the globe.
Kai is also established in the international scene:
Remixing + co-writes with US TOP writers are part of his daily business Knight)
His work consists of Artists like Ofra Haza, Scooter, T Pain, E/D, Christian ( Big Brother),Lazard and Apoptygma Berzerk.
The team surrounding mastermind Kai Panschow is a clan of commited + experienced songwriters, session musicians + producers which enables him to work on all music genres + format trends in a quick + efficient manner. His productions have a high recognition value + commercially speaking, are the perfect TV+ film music match.
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